
New Teaching & Learning Showcase series

We are kicking off the new year with another round of Teaching & Learning Showcase events here at Reading, starting next week with a session on the ‘Use of technologies in TeachingRead More…


Enhancing Fieldwork Learning

The University of Reading is part of a three-year Higher Education Academy (HEA)-funded project considering the use of technology in fieldwork to enhance student learning: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning. The project team, whichRead More…


Me on the digital battlefield

To introduce myself, I am Sam Holton, a second- year student in the School of Biological Sciences here at Reading. Christmas and New Year are over and being the ambitious student IRead More…


Internationalisation: where to for HE institutions?

Who says internationalisation in HE inevitably refers to resources and technologies. In this new digital era, to be competitive as a HE institution we have to keep up to date with educationalRead More…