Sir David Bell KCB, University Vice-Chancellor here at Reading, spoke at last week’s event to mark how far Reading has come in digital terms, ‘Digitally Ready: Celebrating our achievements’. His ‘view from the top’ touched on the major strategic developments underway in this area as well as School-based and individual initiatives, calling Digitally Ready a ‘launchpad’ for digital innovations at Reading.

‘Whilst there’s a strong focus on the Teaching & Learning applications for digital readiness, we have sought to broaden this project across many aspects of the University’s work, Bell summarised. ‘It has led to projects in student engagement, marketing for the University, how we do training and development, and how we do business as a University in governance terms. And of course, with an increased international footprint for the University, there are new opportunities presenting themselves.’

‘Digitally Ready has had to be a broad church of developments. The deliberate attempt to stimulate ideas and thinking across a number of projects echoes to the zeitgeist when it comes to technological developments.’