Author Archives: Julian Park

Enhancing Fieldwork Learning

I thought it would be useful to note cross-over between the digital literacy project and a current HEA project I am involved with, run out of the University of Chester. The Enhancing Fieldwork Learning project is a three year project … Continue reading

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What is digital literacy?

As work progresses, I thought it would be useful to post a defintion of digital literacy. The new JISC guide “Emerging Practice in a Digital Age” defines digital literacy “as those capabilities which equip an individual for living, learning and working … Continue reading

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JISC Visiting the Digitally Ready

Lots of ideas and enthusiasm were shared between the project team at Reading and Sarah Knight and Paul Bailey from JISC yesterday. After the project overview (Digitally Ready Overview) by Shirley and myself, the introductions revealed the breadth of experience and interest in Digital Literacies among … Continue reading

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Welcome to the Digitally Ready Project at Reading

This new JISC-funded initiative at the University of Reading aims to enable people within the University community to become Digitally Ready for the future. Our project will develop a holistic and inclusive approach drawing on both the strong history of … Continue reading

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