Author Archives: Rachel Glover

About Rachel Glover

I am a University of Reading student soon to be starting my third year. I am studying BA Politics and International Relations. Throughout the summer and the autumn term I am working in the Centre for the Development of Teaching and Learning as part of the Digitally Ready team. I have been looking at the digital literacies of students and how these skills are related to student employability.

Placements: Partnership with industry

Recently the School of Construction Management and Engineering (SCME) held a half-day workshop on ‘Industrial Partnership Companies and SCME’ to showcase their placement students. The workshop included presentations from four Part 3 students that had been on placement over the … Continue reading

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Placement options at Reading: Silchester and Real Jobs

The second part of my research into digital literacies for student employability has focussed on in-curricular placements here at Reading. Every undergraduate programme now has an embedded placement option. The ‘Skirts’ model includes maxi, mini and micro placements. A maxi … Continue reading

Posted in Digital Heroes, Employability, Research, Technology in fieldwork, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SEED placements: showcasing success

Last week SEED students were invited to present about their experiences at the SEED Showcase event. The evening was an opportunity for placement supervisors, employers, parents and fellow students to see the kind of things a SEED placement entails. There were … Continue reading

Posted in Employability, Meetings & Events, Placement student showcase, Research, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Placement showcase: Carrie Philp

Continuing my placement showcase series, I interviewed Carrie Philp about her experiences during her UROP placement and how she used social media to recruit students for her project. A third year Psychology student, Carrie, who only heard about the opportunity … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Employability, Placement student showcase, Research, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Developing students’ digital skills through placements – Maximising student engagement

I have previously blogged about my trip to ALT-C in Manchester. In the same week I went to the RAISE Conference in Southampton. The Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement day was my first opportunity to speak about some of … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Employability, Placement student showcase, Research, Video, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

ALT-Conference: The Digital Literacies perspective

Last week was very hectic as I travelled up and down the country to attend two conferences. The first was the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) in Manchester. The conference’s objective was to understand how technology can best be … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Employability, Meetings & Events, Placement student showcase, Research, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Placement Showcase: Harriet Taylor

I have been asking some of my fellow placement students to share their experiences and talk about what impact their work has had on the projects they’ve been working on. Harriet Taylor, a third-year History student, has spent 10 weeks … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Employability, Placement student showcase, Research, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Placement showcase: Hannah Little

In my previous blog post I spoke about the common themes that have occurred in my research. One of these predominant themes was that students really value a palpable output for their placement work. By that I mean that they … Continue reading

Posted in Dissemination, Employability, Placement student showcase, Research, Work/Academic placements | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Research update #2: Common themes

Over the past few weeks I have been speaking to academic members of staff, local employers and University of Reading students about their experiences during placements. I have focussed on the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) and Summer Employment Experience … Continue reading

Posted in Employability, Research, Social media | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Undergraduate student Rachel joins the Digitally Ready team

Hello everyone! My name is Rachel Glover. I am happy to have now started my long-awaited placement working in the Centre for the Development of Teaching and Learning on the project, Digitally Ready. I will be looking into how work placements … Continue reading

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