
Blogging assignments – comments and experiences part 1: MSc formative and summative assignments

Blogging has become one of the major means of communicating just about anything.  It allows more development of thought than a tweet or Facebook post and is a logical development of theRead More…


Digital Literacy: What I’ve Learned

Over the 2012/13 academic year I undertook a dissertation project titled “Biodiversity on the Web: Developing tools and data delivery for campus biodiversity knowledge”. As a part of the project I workedRead More…


Celebrating ‘digital’ at Reading

We still have a few places available for our showcase event ‘Digitally Ready: Celebrating our achievements’ which will take place next Monday, 15 April 11.00 am to 2.30 pm. As the DigitallyRead More…


From paper (lots of it) to pixels

A distinguishing feature of the BA programme in Typography are the professional assignments we run with external clients – our Real Jobs scheme. These ‘in-house placements’ allow inexperienced students to deal withRead More…


The sincerest form of flattery

Our Teaching & Learning Showcase Series continued yesterday with a session on ‘Sharing good practice in the use of Turnitin’. Turnitin is an online service which allows educators to check students’ work forRead More…