
From paper (lots of it) to pixels

A distinguishing feature of the BA programme in Typography are the professional assignments we run with external clients – our Real Jobs scheme. These ‘in-house placements’ allow inexperienced students to deal withRead More…


Changing the Learning Landscape at Reading

Vice-Chancellor Sir David Bell has been hosting his fourth series of talks to staff here at Reading, inviting one of the University’s senior managers to provide a short update on their areaRead More…


Making sense: digital modelling and flipped classroom

‘Use of technologies in Teaching & Learning’ proved a hot topic for over 40 staff here at Reading who joined us for another session in our popular Teaching & Learning Showcase series,Read More…


Moving forward through video feedback

Ever since Neil Morris’ research seminar in November on ‘Making technology-enhanced learning work for staff and students in Higher Education’, his name has been cropping up again and again in my conversationsRead More…


New Teaching & Learning Showcase series

We are kicking off the new year with another round of Teaching & Learning Showcase events here at Reading, starting next week with a session on the ‘Use of technologies in TeachingRead More…


Enhancing Fieldwork Learning

The University of Reading is part of a three-year Higher Education Academy (HEA)-funded project considering the use of technology in fieldwork to enhance student learning: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning. The project team, whichRead More…