
Flexible learning

I’m a massive fan of our Teaching & Learning Showcase events – informal, bring-your-own-lunch gatherings with three speakers presenting on a topical issue and plenty of discussions, questions, sharing of ideas andRead More…


Digitally Ready for 2013

In attempting to write this blog post to sum up what 2012 has meant for Digitally Ready, the JISC-funded project here at the University of Reading to support staff and students inRead More…


Placements: Partnership with industry

Recently the School of Construction Management and Engineering (SCME) held a half-day workshop on ‘Industrial Partnership Companies and SCME’ to showcase their placement students. The workshop included presentations from four Part 3Read More…


Show & TEL: Making technology-enhanced learning work in HE

Neil Morris, author of Study Skills Connected, a new book on using technology to support Teaching & Learning, visited Reading last week to speak about ‘Making technology-enhanced learning work for staff andRead More…


The sincerest form of flattery

Our Teaching & Learning Showcase Series continued yesterday with a session on ‘Sharing good practice in the use of Turnitin’. Turnitin is an online service which allows educators to check students’ work forRead More…


SEED placements: showcasing success

Last week SEED students were invited to present about their experiences at the SEED Showcase event. The evening was an opportunity for placement supervisors, employers, parents and fellow students to see the kindRead More…


Digital literacies for student employability: Spotlight on work placements

Rachel and I were invited to speak at the Teaching & Learning Showcase on ‘Assessing work placements’ here at Reading yesterday. The showcase events are a series of informal lunchtime gatherings which provideRead More…


ALT-Conference: The Digital Literacies perspective

Last week was very hectic as I travelled up and down the country to attend two conferences. The first was the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) in Manchester. The conference’s objectiveRead More…