
Getting it right through the Reading Internship Scheme

Along with my colleague Nina Brooke I was really delighted to have the opportunity to work with a student this summer through the Reading Internship Scheme, funded by the Digitally Ready project. SimonRead More…


Student Researchers from the department of Art to present at RAISE 2013 (by Christine Ellison)

As we continue to develop OSCAR the online student community in Art our students are becoming more involved and more integral to the development of the project. Together we are researching innovativeRead More…


Placements: Partnership with industry

Recently the School of Construction Management and Engineering (SCME) held a half-day workshop on ‘Industrial Partnership Companies and SCME’ to showcase their placement students. The workshop included presentations from four Part 3Read More…


SEED placements: showcasing success

Last week SEED students were invited to present about their experiences at the SEED Showcase event. The evening was an opportunity for placement supervisors, employers, parents and fellow students to see the kindRead More…


Placement showcase: Carrie Philp

Continuing my placement showcase series, I interviewed Carrie Philp about her experiences during her UROP placement and how she used social media to recruit students for her project. A third year PsychologyRead More…


Developing students’ digital skills through placements – Maximising student engagement

I have previously blogged about my trip to ALT-C in Manchester. In the same week I went to the RAISE Conference in Southampton. The Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement day wasRead More…


ALT-Conference: The Digital Literacies perspective

Last week was very hectic as I travelled up and down the country to attend two conferences. The first was the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) in Manchester. The conference’s objectiveRead More…