
Digital literacies for student employability: Spotlight on work placements

Rachel and I were invited to speak at the Teaching & Learning Showcase on ‘Assessing work placements’ here at Reading yesterday. The showcase events are a series of informal lunchtime gatherings which provideRead More…


Placement showcase: Carrie Philp

Continuing my placement showcase series, I interviewed Carrie Philp about her experiences during her UROP placement and how she used social media to recruit students for her project. A third year PsychologyRead More…


Developing students’ digital skills through placements – Maximising student engagement

I have previously blogged about my trip to ALT-C in Manchester. In the same week I went to the RAISE Conference in Southampton. The Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement day wasRead More…


ALT-Conference: The Digital Literacies perspective

Last week was very hectic as I travelled up and down the country to attend two conferences. The first was the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C) in Manchester. The conference’s objectiveRead More…