Digitally Ready, a retrospective
In October 2011 I drafted a brief description of my digital education interests for this blog (when it was just starting) but didn’t get to the point where I wanted to publishRead More…
In October 2011 I drafted a brief description of my digital education interests for this blog (when it was just starting) but didn’t get to the point where I wanted to publishRead More…
I’ve been at Reading University for quite a long time now. Arriving at Reading fresh from my PhD, during which I managed my research data and wrote my thesis using a SinclairRead More…
At 10am on Monday the JISC funded Digitally Ready project group, which broadcasts its progress via a blog and Twitter, met for an evaluation of project progress. A new emphasis for futureRead More…
Blogging has become one of the major means of communicating just about anything. It allows more development of thought than a tweet or Facebook post and is a logical development of theRead More…
Over the 2012/13 academic year I undertook a dissertation project titled “Biodiversity on the Web: Developing tools and data delivery for campus biodiversity knowledge”. As a part of the project I workedRead More…
Blogging is about communication. Some time ago I used the Word Press Jetpack statistics to check that one of the blogs I was writing had readers (Tropical Biodiversity) but recently the WordRead More…
An email this week from Hatchpath telling me that around 10% of our UG stduents had signed up for it led me to look at some of the large part 1 modulesRead More…
I’ve just stumbled across, a site for student exchange of information on their modules. It seems to have very smooth and intuitive tools for information sharing and strikes me as quiteRead More…
We all receive spam email from time to time and have probably all been asked to send our bank account details so that millions of dollars/pounds/euros can be deposited in our accounts.Read More…
This one-day event took place on 19 July and brought together staff with an interest in using digital technologies in innovative ways, to share good practice and encourage discussion around digital issues (fullRead More…