This post was written by undergraduate student Jacinta Hunter.
The Ancient Schoolroom’s second summer residency at Butser Ancient Farm was no less magical than the first: swallows wheeled and darted around us as we walked from era to era; four-horned sheep still grazed in the adjoining fields; we cooked Roman meals over an open fire each night; and a recently born kid goat called Nutmeg greeted us each morning with enthusiastic bleating.
However our daily routine was a little different this time. As well as the usual schoolroom activities of reading, writing, and counting board maths, we were able (thanks to a host of Reading staff, students, and Schoolroom associates) to also offer spinning, board games, gem-charm making, curse-writing, and geometry!
Gem carving
But perhaps the biggest difference was the addition of two all-day workshops, which involved staging an entire play, with a cast of 6-12-year-olds, over the course of one afternoon. The plays in question were Aeschylus’ Agamemnon and Plautus’ Miles Gloriosus, which I (with the help of my ever supportive fiancé) adapted into short, child-friendly scripts, and made props and costumes for. Many a late night in the lead-up to Butser found us sewing capes, constructing cardboard weapons, and flicking red paint at an old sheet so Agamemnon could have a suitably (but not too gruesomely) bloodied robe.
This was a new endeavour for both me and the Ancient Schoolroom, so I was rather nervous about how well it would all turn out. But I needn’t have worried at all as, thanks in large part to the amazing support and diligence of the rest of the Schoolroom team, each play was triumph!
There was a real sense of anticipation in the air once our young actors were in costume and the audience of parents and guardians was in place, and the children really rose to the occasion. Highlights from Agamemnon included: a particularly spectacular entrance of the chorus with their walking sticks; a spirited characterisation of frustrated Cassandra; a surprise star-turn from Aegisthus; and a comedic entrance of the ‘dead’ Agamemnon in a wheelbarrow, which raised a hearty laugh from the audience.
Miles Gloriosus, with its complex and farcical plot, proved a little more challenging, but our performers still carried it off with aplomb. Credit for this has to go in large part to our very talented Palaestrio, who somehow knew what was going on after only one rehearsal, and to all the rest of our fabulous actors doing an excellent job at remembering which door they should be going through when!
I felt very proud of the performances, actors, and Schoolroom team, and it was lovely to have these feelings validated by positive feedback from the parents and Butser staff.
The Roman villa and performance area
Jacinta taking a short break
What with all these new activities, all day workshops, and productions, it certainly felt like we were doing rather more work than play, so we were very excited to be invited back to Sally Grainger’s house for another expertly cooked, authentic Roman meal. We were even joined by our very own Professor Emma Aston, which made it all the more special.
Sally Grainger preparing us for a garum tasting
Emma, and Roman fruit
The core Schoolroom team enjoying some downtime
Of course, all good things have to come to an end. I felt sad as we packed the car and bid farewell to each other on our final morning, knowing I was leaving the darting swallows, clear night skies, open fires, and Nutmeg the goat behind. But not too sad, as I know it will be just as magical next year.