
‘What did I do wrong?’: Supporting independent learning practices

My paper on the project What did I do wrong? Supporting independent learning practices to avoid plagiarism was well received in Manchester last week at LILAC. What is the project about? ItRead More…


My success at the Digitally Ready showcase

As you have picked up from the title, the recent Show & TEL event on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ was a success for me! I was excited to find out more about otherRead More…


Progress with Digitally Ready: top down, bottom up

Last week, we invited our colleagues here at Reading for a lunchtime Show & TEL on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ – a chance to find out more about some of our digitalRead More…


Digital literacies and skills for 21st-century learning: Steve Wheeler visits Reading

Digitally Ready is proud to welcome Steve Wheeler, Associate Professor of Learning Technology at Plymouth University, who will be visiting Reading on 30 April to speak about ‘Digital literacies and skills for 21st-century learning’.Read More…


Placement support online – for staff and for students

Our research study into digital literacies for student employability, focusing on WRPL and the University’s placement schemes, revealed that many students are as yet unaware of the full range of opportunities onRead More…


Closing the feedback loop

A couple of weeks ago, I foolishly promised readers of this blog a catch-up on the latest session in our Teaching & Learning Showcase series – ‘Closing the feedback loop’, which tookRead More…


Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready

Digitally Ready requests the pleasure of your company at our lunchtime ‘Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready’ on 1 March, 12.30–2.00 here at Reading. This session is open to all Reading staffRead More…