Tag Archives: School of Biological Sciences


Digitally Ready, a retrospective

In October 2011 I drafted a brief description of my digital education interests for this blog (when it was just starting) but didn’t get to the point where I wanted to publishRead More…


Digital Literacy: What I’ve Learned

Over the 2012/13 academic year I undertook a dissertation project titled “Biodiversity on the Web: Developing tools and data delivery for campus biodiversity knowledge”. As a part of the project I workedRead More…


My success at the Digitally Ready showcase

As you have picked up from the title, the recent Show & TEL event on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ was a success for me! I was excited to find out more about otherRead More…


Progress with Digitally Ready: top down, bottom up

Last week, we invited our colleagues here at Reading for a lunchtime Show & TEL on ‘Progress with Digitally Ready’ – a chance to find out more about some of our digitalRead More…


Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready

Digitally Ready requests the pleasure of your company at our lunchtime ‘Show & TEL: Progress with Digitally Ready’ on 1 March, 12.30–2.00 here at Reading. This session is open to all Reading staffRead More…


Academic publishing and interviewing: first steps

I took my first steps into the world of academic writing and publishing last week when my supervisor informed me that we are going to submit my work on the Modular TrainingRead More…


Me on the digital battlefield

To introduce myself, I am Sam Holton, a second- year student in the School of Biological Sciences here at Reading. Christmas and New Year are over and being the ambitious student IRead More…


Flexible learning

I’m a massive fan of our Teaching & Learning Showcase events – informal, bring-your-own-lunch gatherings with three speakers presenting on a topical issue and plenty of discussions, questions, sharing of ideas andRead More…