15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
There was a major power outage on campus this morning, affecting two key server rooms. This resulted in the loss of most of the IT services on campus. The majorityContinue reading 15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
There was a major power outage on campus this morning, affecting two key server rooms. This resulted in the loss of most of the IT services on campus. The majorityContinue reading 15:27 01/04/16 Major power outage
By now you should be aware that some major changes are being introduced to IT support arrangements within the University. These changes form part of the Efficiency and Effectiveness ProgrammeContinue reading “Information Technology” – a new department and a new service
Last Friday (15 Feb 2013) a phishing email was sent to a large number of staff at the University using a mocked up log-on page as below.
IT Services would like to apologise for the problems with several of our services yesterday which will have caused disruption for staff and students. Some services were noticeably slow earlyContinue reading IT problems on 4 Oct 2012
Wednesday 8 August 2012 All the computers in the S@il area on the first floor of the library will have no network connection from 730am until 430pm. Thursday 9 AugustContinue reading Planned IT Disruption, 8-9 August 2012