About The Life Tools programme

It consists of a series of presentations designed to get you thinking, to increase your knowledge and provide you with the competencies to enhance your life. The talks cover a range of topics about the learning process and personal development to build academic confidence and resilience while maintaining your health and wellness. The aim is to increase understanding of what are the factors that contribute to effective learning and self-management, and provide strategies to add to your toolkit so you can optimise your academic potential and derive a sense of fulfilment from achieving your aims.

The programme includes presentations designed to inform and educate so that you can be well prepared with these attributes which will complement and enhance your academic portfolio. Why not attend one of the talks so you can see for yourself: acquire the knowledge, assimilate the skills and apply them to your academic and personal life.

The webinars/talks are open to all students, and you can find details on the Life Tools page on Essentials.  We are continuing to deliver the programme via webinars as students have told us they find it is more accessible this way. We also do hybrid sessions (online and in person) to make it more accessible to everyone.  Registration is via MS Teams, and once you have registered the system will send you a calendar invite so that it is visible in your calendar.

You can self-enrol on the Life Tools Blackboard organisation to access recordings of the webinars/talks. You will also receive a weekly email with details of webinars/talks planned for the following week, and resources available from Study Advice/Careers/International student support.

Attending the webinars/talks can count towards your RED Award (the training element). For evidence, email m.a.penabizama@reading.ac.uk after attending a webinar/talk.

About The Life Tools blog
Hi, I am Alicia and this blog complements the webinars/talks presented during the academic year. The focus is on promoting a proactive approach to building personal resources and develop strengths and resilience. The aim is to provide you with research-based information and strategies to manage academic challenges, maintain your health and feel motivated to enjoy your learning.

The purpose also is to make the programme and resources more accessible to all students.

I am a Chartered Counselling Psychologist, and an Occupational Psychologist. I was Head of Student Wellbeing until August 2017.  I am now the Life Tools manager and I work part-time in this role (Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays). I also collaborate with colleagues in  Student Services and with other departments across the university.

Dr Alicia Peña Bizama, C.Psychol, AFBPsS
Life Tools Manager
Student Wellbeing Services
Carrington Building, First floor, room 116