Tag Archives: Nadja Guggi


Moving forward through video feedback

Ever since Neil Morris’ research seminar in November on ‘Making technology-enhanced learning work for staff and students in Higher Education’, his name has been cropping up again and again in my conversationsRead More…


Students like live lectures … and online ones as backup

The University of Reading is part of a JISC-funded project considering museum ethics, display design and object-based research, Object-based Learning for Higher Education (OBL4HE). As part of the project, Rebecca Reynolds, Visiting Lecturer in Museum StudiesRead More…


New Teaching & Learning Showcase series

We are kicking off the new year with another round of Teaching & Learning Showcase events here at Reading, starting next week with a session on the ‘Use of technologies in TeachingRead More…


I-TUTOR: Intelligent Tutoring for Life Long Learning

The University of Reading is a project partner in a prestigious project to develop a multi-agent based intelligent tutoring system to support online teachers, trainers, tutors and learners: I-TUTOR. I-TUTOR, which stands for Intelligent TutoringRead More…


University and Facebook

Student communication channels was one of the areas investigated by the ‘Enhancing Student Engagement in Curriculum Development’ project undertaken here at Reading. The initiative, funded by the University’s Teaching & Learning DevelopmentRead More…


Student experiences with digital literacies

Last week, the Digitally Ready team here at Reading invited staff to a workshop on ‘Students’ experiences with placements and opportunities for developing their digital literacies at the University’. Some 20 colleaguesRead More…


Flexible learning

I’m a massive fan of our Teaching & Learning Showcase events – informal, bring-your-own-lunch gatherings with three speakers presenting on a topical issue and plenty of discussions, questions, sharing of ideas andRead More…


Digitally Ready for 2013

In attempting to write this blog post to sum up what 2012 has meant for Digitally Ready, the JISC-funded project here at the University of Reading to support staff and students inRead More…