Mac OS X Yosemite Wi-Fi problems
It has been widely discussed on Mac user forums that there are issues with the Wi-Fi connectivity in the latest version of Mac OS X.
What’s going on?
It has been widely discussed on Mac user forums that there are issues with the Wi-Fi connectivity in the latest version of Mac OS X.
IT Services have encountered a serious issue with access to Wi-Fi services following a Firewall upgrade yesterday evening.
There has been widespread media coverage of the Heartbleed OpenSSL IT security vulnerability this week.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam.
We have had a mail sent to University staff this morning which is another scam. Do not click on the links in the email. We have taken steps to blockContinue reading Latest scam email
We are advising that you beware fake e-mails such as ones pretending to be either from Voicemail, HMRC, image scanners, courier deliveries, company complaints etc, containing small “Zip” attachments.
Early in October, the multimedia giant Adobe admitted to having suffered a data breach of significant proportions, with initial estimates from Adobe numbering it at 2.9 million compromised accounts. JustContinue reading Adobe personal data breach
Please note that the email that you may have received this morning is spam. Please do not click on any links in the mail. An image of the email isContinue reading Latest Phishing attempt
AppGrad is not approved for use with University of Reading IT Systems and should not be used. It is not associated with the University of Reading.
A few days ago somebody “responsibly” published proof-of-concept code for vulnerabilities in Java and as a result there are now exploits starting to appear in drive-by-download exploit kits.