Remote assistance trial
IT Services have started a trial of a new system to enhance our support services. We are using of a remote assistance appliance supplied by Bomgar and would encourage all staffContinue reading Remote assistance trial
IT Services have started a trial of a new system to enhance our support services. We are using of a remote assistance appliance supplied by Bomgar and would encourage all staffContinue reading Remote assistance trial
IT Services will not support Windows XP beyond Microsoft’s withdrawal of security update support after 8 April 2014. This also applies to Office 2003.
Today, our Data Networks team updated the connection to the University’s Cedar Farm.
This month’s blog concentrates on a particular topic which formed the main focus of our last IT Community of Practice meeting. I’d like to thank all those who contributed theirContinue reading View from the Director’s Chair April 2013: Service level agreements: do they help or hinder?
We have had another scam email attack in the form of a fake postal receipt email.
IT Services have had a reminder from CSIRT regarding user credential sharing and the associated issues.
You may be aware that IT Services has been involved in an identity management project, known as ‘ID Manage’, ‘ILM’ or ‘IDM’, to increase automation and make efficiency, accuracy consistencyContinue reading Identity Management Project
We have had another phishing attack, which purports to come from IT Services. The email contains text as follows:
Another busy month for IT Services as several major strands of work began and others were successfully completed.
We believe the recent iOS 6.1 update has been causing problems with our Microsoft Exchange email service. This appears to be caused by an issue with the way that AppleContinue reading Email Service issues