Tag Archives: aerosols

Climate change and the Indian monsoon: another emissions problem

By Andy Turner I wrote a year or so ago about the forecast for the (then) forthcoming summer monsoon season. India was worried about the possible effect of a predicted El Niño on the rainfall total; El Niño is normally associated … Continue reading

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Unravelling the complexity of aerosol-cloud interactions – the value of going back to basics

By Ellie Highwood State-of-the art climate models used for future projections of climate change have become huge tangled webs of code representing thousands of physical processes. In many of these processes, we have to simplify or in some cases even … Continue reading

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How important are aerosols to understanding climate change?

By Bill Collins Aerosols are fine particles or liquid droplets suspended in the air. They originate from many sources – both natural (desert dust, sea spray) and man-made (power stations, traffic). They generally act to cool the climate (a good … Continue reading

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